Posted by : Unknown Selasa, 26 November 2013

What is Report Text ?
Definition of Report
Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analysis

Generic Structure of Report
1. General classification : Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc which will be discussed in general
2. Description : Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part per part , customs or deed for living creature and usage for materials 
  Learning Goals
  The purpose of a report is to describe and classify information. Reports have a logical sequence of facts that are stated without any personal involvement from the writer.

  Informative reports are written about living things like plants and animals and non-living things like cars or oceans. An information report is used when we talk and write about, eg. Bikes. (When writing a description we only talk/write about one specific thing, eg. My Bike).
Language Features :
Use of general nouns
Use of Relating verbs / Linking verbs
Some action of action verbs when describing behavior/ habits
Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness
Use of technical terms

Picture of a Leatherback Turtle : 

General Classification
Leatherback Turtles is an Endangered Animal that are found in most warm seas, often migrating from one continent to another. They are the largest of all turtles. Their shells are covered by a thick layer of smooth leathery skin, instead of scales.
   Unlike other turtles, their ribs and backbones are not joined to the shell. These turtles have huge strong front flippers which can propel them in the water at high speeds.

Leatherback Turtles have a very unique way of laying their eggs. From August to September, female turtles travel vast distances just to lay their eggs on the exact spot where they had laid their eggs previously. They dig a hole for lay the eggs with their big hands.
  In this hole, they will lay about 100 to 200 soft rubbery eggs at one time. While they are laying the eggs, they will start shedding tears to excrete the excess salt from their bodies while swimming in the sea water.
   Once they are finished, the turtles will cover up the hole with sand and return to the sea, only coming next year to the same spot to dig another hole to lay eggs.
The heat of the sun will warm the eggs and after a period of time, the hatchlings will climb out of the sand and crawl towards the sea. Even though many turtles are hatched, many do not survive on the first few weeks of their lives.

  The coming ashore of the Leatherback Turtles to lay their eggs have become quite a spectacle and have drawn large crowds to witness this event. Unfortunately, the crowds created a large amount of noise and drove many turtles away. They also made campfires which scared them away.

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